I started taking on part time jobs in Singapore at the age of 16 under tremendous pressure (constant nagging) from my father. He never failed to emphasise on the importance of work experience and the benefits that it'll bring to my future. Well, I've got to thank him profusely for getting my lazy ass to start working cause it did much for my knowledge and personal growth.
Since then, I've tackled a number of jobs in different fields and learned quite a vast pool of skill sets. Moreover, I got to strengthen qualities which proved beneficial to my every day life.
Many who seek part time jobs for students end up being a waiting staff because of its constant availability and fluid schedule. The most back-breaking job that I've ever done was when I was working at a salad bar as a waiter. I was tasked from peeling oranges to mopping the floor to serving the customers! Nothing seemed out of my job scope! Waitering is one of the more demanding jobs out there, requiring a vast set of skills to overcome tedious daily routines. Although I personally did not like working as a server, I have to admit that it was a very humbling experience. I learnt to be more perseverant and quick-thinking. Oh, and I managed to desensitise myself to dirt. (I used to be a clean freak!)
Admin Assistant
Many make a pass at doing administrative jobs assuming that it will be a waste of time but it can be quite an enriching experience (when properly done). I learnt much working in an office setting, many of which are very practical skills like operating and maintaining office machines. My personal discipline, organisational ability and time management were heavily strengthened as well. Oh, and let's not forget the ever so important office etiquette.
Tuition Tutor
Being a tutor may sound easy because of its flexibility, but it can be the most difficult based on the fact that you will be dealing with (more often than not) a child. Your patience will be put to the test. It's undeniably important that you have to remain level-headed no matter the situation. After all, you were probably in their exact position before, having trouble at the then (and sometimes still) complicated problem-solving questions! I currently still do tutor and I find it very fulfilling.You get to nurture a child's eagerness for knowledge and you play a big part in directing them in a positive direction in life. Now that's a really big responsibility!
Event Promoter
Perhaps among the more popular part time jobs Singapore has, event promoters are exposed to a diversity of environment, people and challenges. Social skills, as well as quick wit and charisma, are put to the test when engaging customers. Also, image is important as you will be expected to be a strong representation of the brand you are under. Personal grooming will play a big part. I personally enjoy doing events and find joy in building relationships with customers and clients.
Retail Assistant
Very similar to an event promotor, social skills and personal grooming are very crucial in this field. In addition, good organisational and management skill do come in handy when dealing with administrative tasks like cashier balancing. I will say that from my experience, being a retail assistant conditioned me to become a better all-rounder.
If you wish to gain (more) working experience through part time jobs in Singapore, you can head over to www.stroff.com to view all their latest listings.